On July 6, 1957, two young musicians, Paul McCartney and John Lennon, met for the first time. Little did they know that this chance encounter would go on to change the course of music history forever.

At the time, McCartney was just fifteen years old and had been playing guitar for a few years. On the other hand, Lennon was sixteen and had already formed a band called The Quarrymen. The two were introduced by a mutual friend at a church fete in Liverpool, England.
Despite their age difference, McCartney and Lennon hit it off immediately. They bonded over their shared love of music and quickly began playing together. McCartney was impressed by Lennon’s songwriting abilities, and the two started collaborating on original songs.
Over the course of the next few years, McCartney and Lennon’s partnership would evolve into one of the most successful songwriting teams of all time. They would go on to write classic hits like “Hey Jude,” “Let It Be,” and “A Hard Day’s Night,” among many others.
Looking back on that fateful day in 1957, it’s clear that McCartney and Lennon’s meeting was no accident. It was the beginning of a lifelong friendship and creative partnership that would change music forever. And while John Lennon may no longer be with us, the music their partnership created inspires generations of fans and musicians alike.
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